Saturday, January 28, 2012

They call me "MOM"

What a privilege it is that these three children call me mom. At times its a hard job, but so woth it. I love being a mom. I'm so in love with the bond that the boys are getting. Some of the things they come up with, really gets me thinking about the years when they're going to be 15 and 13, oh my! I feel so blessed to have two great sons, who love me unconditionally. Blessed to have been able to add a little girl into our combination. She's the sweetest, lovable, kissable, little girl. Loves to get right in with the boys and play. I just know that the pink colors, dresses, and pigtails will some day be replaced with, Bridger's hand-me-downs, trucks, and dirt. I'll take it. I love to see them play all day, learn new things throughout our days, their giggles and smiles, individual cuddle times. With that said, I feel very honored to be their "MOM" and wouldn't trade it for anything. What a blessing its been to have 3 babies!

Wednesday, January 11, 2012