Tuesday, April 28, 2009


This past weekend was Rendezvous weekend in Eureka MT. Its a big thing, for Eureka. We went to the parade, Braven got lots of candy, but mommy mostly ate it. We then went and got Cotton Candy! Then to the Village, where they had vendors set up. Ryan bought me some Gold Canyon candles. And we let Braven walk around. Then we ate dinner, mexican food. Then we went to the blackpowder shootout. We were able to use our backpack for the first time, worked way better than the stroller we used last year. It was a fun family outing.

Monday, April 20, 2009

Spider man 4-wheeler

Here is Braven on Easter with his 4-wheeler. He just pushes it back and forth. He's alittle scared of it. I guess he needs to grow into it. So, for now it sits in the living room, and we mostly walk around it.

25 Years old!

For once in 25 years, i wasn't excited for my birthday this year. WOW! 25! I'm old! But, very thankful i was able to celebrate 25 years of life, and to do it with my husband and child. Ryan and Braven made me a birthday cake. Made me feel special.

Saturday, April 11, 2009

Easter Bunny

Braven and I went to Kalispell this morning to see the Easter Bunny. While waiting in line, Braven kept pointing and talking about the Easter Bunny. But, to my suprise, once it was our turn, Braven started walking backwards and didn't want to have anything to do with the Easter Bunny. He was rather scared when the Easter Bunny picked him up, and he did cry alittle, but we managed to get this picture. After the Easter Bunny, we went to the fair grounds for an Easter Egg Hunt. They had it split in different age groups, 0-4 ages and 5-8 ages. Braven was 1 of about 5 1 year olds, the rest were 4. They hide 400 eggs, with 3 special ones. I let Braven walk at first, but he was very slow moving. So i decided to carry him in. Alot of the kids had both their parents with them, one to watch the kid, and the other to pick the east eggs. Since it was just Braven and I, we didn't get any Easter Eggs, i was rather disappointed, but then realized i was lucky to be sharing this special moment with Braven. After this we were both played out, so we ran to wal-mart for a short while, and then we came home. Braven crashed hard tonight after being played out, but he also knows that the Easter Bunny is comming in the morning. I had every intention to dye easter eggs this year, but we just ran out've time. I am alittle disappointed in myself, but there is always next year. I remember my Easter holidays when i was a little girl. My daddy always dyed easter eggs with us, and then the next morning always helped us find them. I often wondered how my daddy could always find, even the hard ones that were hidden. After finding the eggs, my daddy enjoyed his easter basket full of candy that the Easter Bunny left. Year after year, without fail, he too always got a basket. Well, this year for Easter Braven has been spoiled. Amma and Aft sent a basket of: Candy, coloring book, learning cards, and some plastic Easter Eggs. From Grandpa and Grandma: summer outfit, candy, Easter Bunny chalk for outside. From the Easter Bunny: Spiderman 4 wheeler, candy, and Barney DVD. Ryan and I are so thankful to be able to give these things to Braven. God is Good!

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

The boys washed the car and I ate a sandwich, then we did the Riverwalk

The weather has been mid 70's, so we've been enjoying it. The boys washed the car, and i sat in a chair, and enjoyed my sandwich. Of course Braven had to take some breaks, and enjoy the sandwich with me. The boys then changed the oil in the motorcycle. Braven mostly walked around, and picked up random tools. We then decided to take a family walk to the Riverwalk in Eureka. We took the stroller, but on the way back Braven decided he didn't want to be in it anymore, so he walked some, then was on Ryan's shoulders the rest of the way. Braven loves this weather, and enjoys staying outside in the afternoon and evening. I believe he would love to sleep outside, and never come in. I hope this weather is here to stay. Hopefully it will make its way to North Dakota/Minnesota.

8 weeks

As many of you may already know, Ryan and I are expecting another great blessing from God, November 24th! We are very excited. I think i'm alittle more nervous than Ryan. Since i'm able to stay at home, i've been thinking about having two babies under 2, two babies in diapers, and everything else that is difficult with two under two. But, i do have faith that it will all work out. I have realized we will probably never sleep again. Braven of course doesn't understand that mommy has a baby in her belly, but he's already practicing on being a big brother. Braven puts his dirty clothes away in the hamper, and he also helps with our dirty clothes too! He gets his own diapers, and helps pick up his toys. So in 8 more months, he's really going to be a big help. I'm enjoying being pregnant. I've noticed that i've been very tired, which could be normal since i'm busy chasing Braven. I have not gotten sick yet, just have suffered with nausea for about 2 weeks now, it lasts off and on all day long. I noticed i didn't get morning sickness with Braven until 8 weeks, so i keep waiting for it, but nothing so far. I guess every pregnancy is different.