Friday, October 28, 2011

Potty training......What JOYS!

We are in the middle of sort potty training. I guess its more like Bridger is potty training himself. I'm hoping we can really start potty training hard soon. He's sick of diapers, and I'm sick of buying them. Ready to only have 1 baby in diapers. He's adjusting nicely to hanging out with mommy on preschool days. He gets pretty hyper when its just us, cause usually Berlyn naps through most of the preschool time. He's adjusting nicely, although, he often asks where Braven is. And the first day we left Braven, we loaded back up in the car, and he quietly cried in the back seat. This little man keeps me on my feet, and brings such happiness to my life!

Preschool bound

First day of preschool! Priceless! Brave started attending a private preschool last week, as that was our only option in Eureka. I was trying my best to do alittle preschool at our house, but just don't have the interest. He is doing half days, twice a week, and LOVING it! Its been a huge adjustment, for me. I feel very empty and my heart aches for Braven every minute he is gone. Its nice to have this time with the two younger ones, and get my cleaning/housework done, but I can't get him off my mind. He's never been away from me, in almost 4 years. It's very sad for me to think about how fast the past 4 years have gone, but yet excited for the future years that we will have together. I'm excited for pre-school next year, soccer, and hopefully more sports for him to participate in. Braven brings such joy to my life, I hope I'm being the mother he was ment to have!

10 Months....

This sure was alittle more difficult than past months. Its great seeing Berlyn change month to month. She loves saying Bye-Bye, loves giving hugs, has now started "Army Crawling", loves sitting/standing several times on command, is getting 4 new teeth, reminds me so much of Braven at this age, and is a great blessing in my life!

Sunday, October 9, 2011