Thursday, January 20, 2011

1 Month

1 Month old. WOW! Where does the time go? Berlyn is such a good baby. She reminds me alot like Braven when he was a baby. Berlyn is growing like a weed. She weighs 8lbs. 13oz. She is starting to out grow some of her 0-3 clothes. She is starting to smile and make cooing sounds. Sleeps about 3-4hrs at night. We don't have a schedule yet, hopefully that'll come soon. She loves watching her brothers run around the living room, and also loves to sit and listen to all the chaos in our household. The boys are still in love with her, love to hold her, and are starting to talk to her. They both are a big help with bringing me clothes, diapers, and the pacifier. I have enjoyed this first month with Berlyn, and continue to soak in all the baby love, as she is growing too fast. Berlyn has been such a great addition to our family, and we are so thankful for a happy and healthy baby girl to complete our family.

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Sunday, January 2, 2011

Goodbye 2010..........Hello 2011

Where do the years go? 2010 has been a great year for our family. Just 3 short months after having Bridger in 2009, we found out we were expecting again. And this is what we got...

A beautiful baby girl to add to our family.
In September we purchased our first house. We are enjoying being homeowners, and so excited to have a place that is ours, and for the kids to have a huge yard and woods to play.
Its funny how our New Years celebrations have change for now. We had a little party with pizza and sparkling apple cider for the kids, and we enjoyed puppy chow later in th evening. So worth it.
And he says..."Boys don't like PINK"We are so thankful for 3 healthy children, and for our health as well. We have been blessed in 2010, and had a great year. 2010 was good to us. We started the year off with a new baby, Bridger. Ryan had the chance to go for some training the beginning of the year. The boys and I went back to ND for two months, we found out we were expecting again, we did a family vacation to Spokanne, my parents came to visit in June, Shelby stayed for a month, Ryan's parents came in September and Aunty Amber, my dad came in September, Ryan and I both did training in Great Falls for our jobs in September, October Ryan turned the big 29, November Bridger turned the Big 1, December Braven turned the Big 3, and we ended the year with a baby girl. Thank you 2010 for all that you have given us. We look forward to what 2011 has to offer.