Sunday, May 30, 2010

Big Changes.....For Big BOYS!

You Got It! Braven is potty trained! It was pretty easy for the most part. We started last Sunday, he got up, was dry, and went into big boy underwear. I took him to the bathroom every 20 minutes. Had acouple accidents, nothing major. Day 2 we went every 30 minutes, and by Day 3 he was telling me when he had to PEE! So its going good. As for Bridger, he's changing everyday, and cutting more teeth, which make him very crabby. He's sleeping better at night, just getting up once during the night. We're waiting for the night that he starts sleeping though the night, which hopefully comes before baby #3. Ryan continues to work all the time. And i've been busy this month with my job, so Ryan's had to be on babysitting duty during the evenings. We're getting ready for Amma, Afi, and Shelby to come visit us this week. And excited that Shelby will be spending the summer with us. We recently started skyping with family. Braven loves it. I think his favorite thing was skyping with Grandma and Grandpa's kitty.

Sunday, May 9, 2010

Mother's Day 2010

We did alittle art for Mother's Day. We went to an art studio on Whitefish and decorated a tile. Braven had so much fun, and it was interesting getting Bridger's handprint on the tile. But, all in all, it was a great time. We went into Kalispell to do alittle shopping. One of the sports stores has a pond outside. So we enjoyed watching and feeding the fish.

Saturday, May 8, 2010

Braven.....the mighty FISHERMAN

Braven and Ryan went fishing at a local pond, and Braven caught a rainbow trout, on his Mickey Mouse fishing pole!!!! He was very excited and had lots of fun, but is scared of the fish. Also, got rather upset when Ryan cut it up, and put it in the fridge. It was a great bonding time for the two boys, so happy they could spend time together. Meanwhile, Bridger and I stayed behind to cleanhouse, and do laundry, but not too much got done. I spent most of my time spoiling Bridger.