Friday, November 27, 2009

Happy Thanksgiving 2009

We had a wonderful Thanksgiving this year. We were invited over to some friends for supper, Ryan smoked the turkey, and our friends prepared everything else, which was alot, and very good. We have so much to be thankful for: Our marriage, Bridger, Braven, Ryan's job, health insurance, sleepless nights, my dad's stem cell transplant, and him being cancer free, all our family back home, living in beautiful Montana, naps, watching the boys bond, being in a house full of BOYS, and most importantly we are thankful for our health, and our little family!

Monday, November 23, 2009

Bridger Laine

A baby is GOd's love wrapped in the cutest litte package.
We've been blessed with a baby boy! What a wonderful gift of love straight from God... into our waiting arms.

Bridger Laine
11:25 a.m
20 1/4 inches

Getting weighed
Mommy and Bridger right after being born.

Mommy and Bridger 11/21/09, very tired

Daddy and Bridger 11/22/09, sleeping the next morning
Braven meets Bridger 11/21/09

Our First family photo 11/21/09
Bridger Laine Latozke

Friday, November 20, 2009

Little Ryan

Ryan got his first kill of the season. And the season is done next week. He was pretty excited with this kill, a nice mule deer. Ryan and his friend Jeremy went out yesterday, and they were both able to kill a nule deer. So they are now both hanging in the garage, and Braven is enjoying it very much.

Braven driving the 4-wheeler

Braven, Dakota and the Mule Deer

Braven stayed home today, to help dad hang his deer

Braven, the little hunter

Sunday, November 15, 2009

Thursday, November 5, 2009


Sunday, November 1, 2009

Happy Halloween and 37 weeks!

We started our day off Saturday by going to Kalispell to do some shopping. We picked up some baby stuff, and did just our regular shopping. We ate at applebee's and then headed home. Once we got home, we got Braven ready, and we went over to Grandpa Phil's and Grandma Cindy's house, and of course he got spoiled. All their grandchildren live in Idaho, so Braven was the only one that went to their house. Then she sent us over to two of her neighbors houses. Then we went on to the school for a festival party. Several of the local churches but on a festival with food and games, and then to end the night, we went "TRUNKER TREATING". Only in Eureka, Montana! There were about 10 vehicles, including an ambulance, and the trunks were full of CANDY! Braven's basket was full and heavy. It was fun, and Braven really enjoyed himself. Now we're into NOVEMBER! YEAH! 22 more days, not like i'm counting. I started going every week to the midwives, and as of last week, it doesn't look like i'll be getting induced. People have been telling Ryan to put the snow tires on, because i'll probably go into labor when there is a snow storm, and have to drive 60 miles through the mountains. I can see why he's alittle nervous! I'm excited for the rush of it all. Cindy did tell me that she is going to be gone the 14th and 15th watching grandkids, so i can't go on those days. I do have 3 backups though for Braven. I'm anxious to see what these next few weeks hold for us!

Braven showing his cow head, he didn't want to wear it. Me 37 weeks!
Braven and daddy playing golf

Braven playing baseball, he had to check out the hole first.

Braven at the duck pond

Braven playing basketball, his favoriate game of the night

Braven eating his lunch

Braven posing for the camera

Braven at Applebee's