Ryan had a four day weekend, this past weekend. We were able to get out and do somethings as a family. The weather has been nice, so we took in the river walk in Eureka, Oriental restaurant in Eureka, and headed to Kalispell on Saturday to do some general shopping.
Braven using the chop sticks, and actually was eating with them, putting food in his mouth.
Monday, January 25, 2010
Tuesday, January 19, 2010
Well Child Check up
Today Braven had his 2 year check up, and Bridger had his 2 month check up. The boys and I left early this morning and headed to Columbia Falls to see their Doctor. We just went there and back home. I told Braven that he had to go to the Doctor last night, he got pretty excited.
Braven is 37 inches long(100th Percentil) and 32lbs (95th percentil)
Braven is very smart and healthy boy how is growing every day.
He is a very healthy growing baby boy, who loves to eat!
Sunday, January 17, 2010
Bridger is 2 months old! WOW, where does the time go? Bridger is pictures below wearing one of his daddy's outfits when he was little. I waited too long to put it on him though, it was WAY too small. As you can see, he's starting to smile and also laugh. Although, everytime I go to get the video camera, he stops laughing and starts screaming. Although, i'm sure the Grandparents would enjoy hearing him scream, so maybe i'll work on getting a video of him either way, and post it on here. So Bridger still hasn't figured out the sleeping thing at night. Some days I regain patience as I know this will pass, but nights like last night, he was up every 1.5 hrs like clock work, I lose sight of things, and all patience. I love to sleep, and it makes it difficult having to get up with Braven in the morning, and have some energy to entertain and play with him. I've been told over and over again, that this is normal for a breastfed baby, I seem to disagree. I guess we were really truely blessed with Braven when he was a baby.
Thursday, January 14, 2010
Ryan left Sunday for some training for work. So the boys and I have been alone since then. Ryan will fly back in to Kalispell on Saturday, and then returns back to work on Sunday. I'm more exhausted than normal, as its hard work staying with these two 24 hours a day, and as many of you know, Mr. Bridger isn't the best sleeper yet. In time it will get better, I have faith. These past days have been going well for us. We ran errands on Monday, stayed home on Tuesday, Wednesday we went to the Riverwalk as it was 49 degrees outside, Thursday we hosted playgroup at our house, and Friday I have to work alittle in the afternoon, so Braven will be going over to Kyler's, and then we're having supper over there and going to hangout for awhile, Saturday, DADDY comes home! Ryan is leaving again the first week in Febuary for another training. Hopefully by then Bridger will be at least sleeping 3 hours at a time at night.
Saturday, January 9, 2010
Braven and Bridger
Nothing too much has been going on in our household, since my last post. We have great weather last week, while everyone in North Dakota was sitting in -40, we were 40 above. But, now we're getting below zero weather, although today was 20 above. Anyways, we started up our mommy/baby playgroup this week, after acouple weeks off due to the holidays. So that was nice to chat with all the mom's and have all the kids play together. Bridger is now 7 weeks old, changing everyday. Braven has taken an interest in helping me bake and cook.
Braven helping me make Banana Bread. Bridger 1/8/10 before we left for Kalipsell to do some shopping.
Friday, January 1, 2010
Happy New Year!
WOW! 2010. Another year has come and gone. We're very excited to see what this year has to offer our family. We're planning a trip back to North Dakota sometime in the next month. And Ryan and I are talking of hopefully/maybe getting out to New York for a wedding. And just enjoying our boys and watching them grow ever so fast every day. Last night we went over to our friends house for supper, and to play Wii. We stayed there til 11pm, and Braven and Kyler were still playing strong. We came home and put Braven to bed, and Ryan, Bridger, and I rang in the new year, and then I flew to bed. Bridger seems to be getting alittle better with the night time sleeping, so i'm anxious to see what the next few weeks bring. Hope everyone had a good New Years Eve. And that 2010 is another great year for everyone.
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